


Bankruptcy is a legal status of a person or other entity that cannot repay the debts it owes to creditors. In most jurisdictions, bankruptcy is imposed by a court order, often initiated by the debtor. Clear bankruptcy of ideas making congress to resort to his old tactics Martyrdom. In Firstpost Jaganathan teared into congress. (Read here)

Dear Priyanka, your DadRajiv was no angel. He let India down: 

It is not unusual for daughters to think of their fathers as heroes. It is, if anything, downright normal. So one can understand why Priyanka Vadra Gandhi was miffed when she was told (wrongly, one must note) that Narendra Modi may have referred to her as a daughter, and she replied with some degree of acerbity: "Main Rajiv Gandhi ki beti hoon.” She added, for good measure: “I don't appreciate this comparison at all. My father was a martyr. He sacrificed his life for the country. And in my heart he can never be compared to any other person." Read:
Well said Jagannathan. Good that somebody is saying this openly now. Rajiv's era was the lost opportunity for India. In fact, his leadership ensured that 1980s was the lost decade for India and we ended up the economic crisis. He was supposed to be youth with varied world exposure. He was expected to lead India experiences and what he did? Like a mediocre, he let the opportunity given by the huge mandate flow out. 
Problem with Congress, as and when their competency to rule is questioned, they will use the martyrdom card to cover up their bankruptcy. This time the debtors are not going to buy and the action will be imitated. Electoral defeat is inevitable.
Rajiv Gandhi had the mandate and instead he just wasted it for his petty politics. Also he was not really a martyr, a patriot never loots his own country as in Bofors , he does not justify the killings of innocents and he does not denigrate women as in Shah Bano case. It’s just that Congress has painted all the Gandhi family members as true patriots in the garb of modern education and the various schemes in their name.
1. Attempt to gag the press using new defamation bill (defeated by public protest)
2. Visiting peril on free speech, banned Satanic Verses, led to worldwide outcry
3. Postal bill (authorising govt. to inspect all mail) - returned by the then President Zail
4. Rampant misuse of article 356 to dismiss state governments at will
5. Rigged elections in Kashmir - led to the insurgency there (still unresolved)
6. Proved himself a super lout by firing a senior bureaucrat WHILE REPLYING TO A PAKISTANI JOURNALIST. Most super-dumb antic of any prime-minister, ever
7. Gagged press, put pressure on management of the Hindu to curtail Bofors coverage
8. Forced sale of "The Indian Post" to Time of India. Vinod Mehta was then editor, wonder why he is such a Congress Chamcha still
9. Displayed outright fear of China - but for Sunder-ji's proactive deployment of troops, we'd likely have lost more territory.
10. Effectively, led to downfall of Congress as potent political force. The party has yet to recover.
I do not think Mr. Rajiv Gandhi can be labelled a martyr as I do not consider he fought for any cause in the process of which he lost his life. He was contesting in elections and was in the election campaigning. He was assassinated by LTTE for making them surrender their weapons. This is not martyrdom for India. Martyr is one who sacrifices his life for pursuing a strong cause. Mahatma Gandhi worked for Hindu Muslim peace and so is Martyr. 100s of Indian Army men who give their life in the process of protecting the country are martyrs.
The acid response from Priyanka for a more generic statement by Modi shows the true colours. All the facade of nice talking in campaigns disappeared. It could be one of the 3 things. (a) She does not believe in Indian Culture which values such things (b) Maybe his backward / poorer economic origins is not acceptable to her perceived high/ rich class mindset. So the connect/talk about them is all show (c) Message to the party machinery
Priyanka is neither an elected party leader, Corporator, MLC, MLA, MP, or holds any public post of significance her only qualification is her Surname "Gandhi". As far as I am concerned based on her qualification she is not even good enough to comment on a MLC or MLA let alone some senior leader from opposition.
I totally agree with writer that as a daughter she has the right to feel proud of her father but they were killed because of their opportunist policies...Dear Priyanka, Martyrs are people who selflessly go and sacrifice their lives for nations. So please stop spreading lies...
Bankruptcy fraud is a white-collar-crime. While difficult to generalise across jurisdictions, common criminal acts under bankruptcy statutes typically involve concealment of assets, concealment or destruction of documents, conflicts of interest, fraudulent claims, false statements or declarations, and fee-fixing or redistribution arrangements. Falsifications on bankruptcy forms often constitute perjury. Multiple filings are not in and of themselves criminal, but they may violate provisions of bankruptcy law.
Problem with Congress, as and when their competency to rule is questioned, they will use the martyrdom card to cover up their bankruptcy. This time the debtors are not going to buy and the action will be imitated. Electoral defeat is inevitable

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