

Never read The Economist

Can anyone stop Modi? The Economist:


Journalism means telling what is happening around...not what YOU wanted to happen  around you. If you do not want Modi as India's PM, fineT. Write it on your personal blog. As a newspaper or magazine, give what is news, even if it is not your liking!! Just give news. Don't give unnecessary opinions of yours, no one cares. By the way, India is a democratic country, no queens here!! Modi is not forcing his way to the PMO! 
How conveniently you sit in your distant ivory tower and recommend Rahul Gandhi as the "less disturbing" option! We are experiencing a revolution here, our very own "spring" and all you have is a lame advice to continue with a muddling, corrupt, handouts-and-subsidies-for-votes party with a juvenile vice president who has no clue how he is going to implement his "empowerment" joke.  
One of the greatest tragedies in Western journalism is condescending comments on others and in particular countries like India. Somehow, the white man from Western countries thinks that he is intellectual and he has always 'something' special to give. The reason  he/she is a white and is superior to the brown skin. 
Suddenly, The economist decides to interfere in the internal affairs (elections in this case) of a sovereign nation because of its 'whiteness' and no other qualification. The problem is not about free speech / right to opinion, but all about 'condescending comments'. They were real filthy and unprofessional. India is a great civilization and has its beauty. Please open your eyes and learn from it. Dharma and compassion originated from India. 
As an Indian and lived in America for more than a decade,  I find this article deeply insulting. While as a reasonably well produced and regarded publication I have in the past learnt world affairs through Economist, now I have to question my own opinions formed about world issues based on what I have read in Economist. That's because having closely followed BJP, Modi, Congress and Rahul Gandhi, I can confidently say ONLY India's ill wishers can write this article. 
 I especially object to your statement "Mr Modi has refused to wear a Muslim skullcap..". Why do you think just wearing a Muslim skullcap will make one 'secular'? By the same token, does a Muslim ever wear a 'tilak' on his forehead to appease Hindus? Besides, why is it that we all have to pacify Muslims just because they are Muslims? They should certainly be given all the necessary assistance and the government should work towards their welfare also as an 'Indian' and not as Muslim. 
Modi has proven this and the results are for everyone to see in te state of Gujarat. I have seen it firsthand. Let me leave you with this thought: during his campaign for CM of Gujarat, when everyone else was promising freebies, he openly said nothing will be free but everything will be available. That Economist is something you should be learning and spreading to the rest of the world - ability to execute. 
Finally, I know you are going to be wrong; Mr. Modi WILL BE elected as PM and he will govern for the good of the country. Please do not ever try to create Hindu Muslim enmity with articles such as this again. We are no longer White-man’s property to divide and rule.
You cannot take out a single page out of big book of Indian history and simplify the Modi effect and Hindu Muslim division. It can happen in your country people sign the Insurance paper without seeing the fine prints. It is not my words, one of your article only said, in US people see the thieves with little kind then the Insurance agent.  
Instead you, as a reputed global journal, have to impartially analyse the causes and effects right from the beginning and suggest the possible right measures for a good future of this greatly talented nation to pursue its rightful place on the globe.

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1 comment:

  1. Most of the western media is the same. Almost en masse they call modi a Hindu nationalist. When asked to define this they have no answer. There is something sinster going on which I can not even begin to understand. Better minds than mine can see the full picture. problem is even Indians in higher positions in the news industry follow the same imperialistic path of their masters.
