


If Modi is elected, it will bode ill for India's future. theGuardian

In English the term "intellectual" conveys the general notion of a "literate thinker"; its earlier usage, as in the title of The Evolution of an Intellectual. Since for these people "I" comes before the nation or public interest. Please remove the "I"  from intellectual and added onto literate. 
This is what these "intellectuals" have witnessed over SIX decades (that's TWO generations worth) of political indulgence in free and independent India:-
* Destruction of Governance machinery and rise of inefficient bureaucracy.
* Destruction of judiciary (I read somewhere that there are currently 3 crore pending cases in various courts)
* Destruction of Law and Order (police) by not allowing them to operate independently and by choking them through lack of funds.
* Destruction of Defence (all 3 branches) by rampant corruption and lack of funds.
* Destruction of Industries and Services by forced nationalisation, promoting inefficiencies and leaks by keeping dead companies alive.
* Destruction of Labour, for example by promoting on the basis of seniority rather than qualification, no access to up gradation of skills etc.  
In that list most are Congress chamchas...are these intellectuals talking about the reason "Burning sleeping people to death" also is Media Bliz. Mater of fact Media is always tried to put Modi down by Anti Modi articles and documentaries. It is the people who realized the truth behind false propaganda and support for NarendraModi and Congress free India. Less said is better about Indian entellectuals. 
But we have to talk about other two outsiders who don’t have any business to meddle with Indian politics or affairs connected to Indian public and Indian democracy. These two morons opened their mouth with the hope Nidhi Razdan will invite them for interview. Who are they and what creditability they have in their own country?
McDonnell attempted to stand for the post of Labour Party leader following Tony Blair's resignation in 2007 but was unable to gain sufficient nominations.[1] He was a candidate for Leader again in 2010 following Gordon Brown's resignation[2] but withdrew in favour of Diane Abbott, feeling that he would be unable to secure enough nominations. He is failure in his own country.
According to an article in TamilNet, John McDonnell and fellow MP Jeremy Corbyn signed a petition calling on the UK to lift a ban on the LTTE, which is listed as a terrorist group by the European Union.
In November 2008, MacTaggart attracted criticism on the BBC's Today in Parliament programme for using unreliable statistics that were not fully supported by evidence when discussing the issue of prostitution.  Mactaggart was asked how those criminalised by a new law were supposed to know if a prostitute had been trafficked or not. She replied "I think they can guess", "something like 80% of women in prostitution are controlled by their drug dealer, their pimp, or their trafficker. When questioned on her claim she stated that it "came from an official Government publication into prostitution and the sex trade". However, a BBC magazine article states that "it is impossible to find that number in any research done on this subject." The Home Office have also stated that they "do not endorse or use the figure that 80 per cent of prostitutes are controlled by others".
They are afraid that Narendra Modi because he will turn India into a powerhouse. If Modi turns India around, they lose much power and influence.  These people are sitting in countries that have sponsored the largest human loss in Muslim countries, supporting dictators, going to war with them and decimating their lands. They really do not wish India any good. They had hoped it would disintegrate right after 1947 and it has managed to disappoint them. These are supporters of the British whose General Dyer massacred innocent Sikhs in Jalianwala Bagh.
The Indian intellectuals can go drown somewhere. No one cares for them. They are just another politically aligned group of people but one that would undeservedly like to claim neutrality and impartiality for themselves and egoistically din it into others that they are somehow intellectual superior to all others 
These Lutyen's elite is bunch of Wine Guzzling and Cheese eating Fiberals will always hate anyone not from Stephenson or OBC former Chai Seller who has the temerity to question the Lords of Dynasty.  Just for couple of glass of wines as compensation these intellectual will pledge the nation and question the wisdom of Indian public. Besides what use does Modi have for these frauds? He does not need them to make conversation at a cocktail party or blow air kisses with or exchange fashion notes or puerile gossip about private lives? - Besides this what else are these parasites good for? Dynasty is like expired car insurance. 
Our request to Modi is that he does not mellow down once he becomes PM to satisfy these pseudo intellectuals. He must remain as tough as today and work for total development of India. At the same time he must not show any sympathy towards those who have looted India.
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